A Look into the Past
Reflecting on Our Journey Through Past Women's Conferences
At Alabaster Heart, we've been blessed with the opportunity to host two regional women's conferences that have become milestones in our spiritual walks and ministry, along with the many hearts that have been touched by the Holy Spirit. Our gatherings are more than events; they are spaces created that is holy ground where the Holy Spirit brings His Bride - the Church, together and unites hearts as one body. It is where community is built and spiritual growth happens as we linger in the sweet presence of God and worship the King of kings.
These conferences are just a few highlights of our ministry's commitment to be engaged in His Word, grow in our relationship with Jesus, while inspiring, discipling, and building relationships with one another. Here at Alabaster Heart, we honor the journey of every woman who has joined us and continues to join us in the pursuit of holiness, healing, joy and freedom found in Christ Jesus. We cherish each story, each moment of transformation, and we look forward to creating more memories with Jesus at the center of it all.
"With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." - Isaiah 12:3

© 2024 Alabaster Heart Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

Our 2022 conference, aptly named "Jireh - He is Enough," welcomed over 450 women into the heart of Shipshewana, Indiana at the Michiana Event Center. Our time together served as a reminder that in our darkest moments, we are never alone. In the midst of worship and community, we shared powerful stories of God's provision, reminding us that even in our darkest valleys, Jehovah Jireh is our steadfast provider. Workshops led by women rooted in Scripture, ultimately illuminating the beauty and healing presence of Christ in our brokenness and the strength found in sisterhood.

October 2023
Uniting Our Communities Together in the Name of Jesus Christ
Our First Community Worship Night

In 2023,"Deeply Rooted - Abiding in Jesus," we found ourselves embracing change and as we kept in sync with the Holy Spirit, we surrendered our "plans," and followed His leading with relocating from the MEC in Shipshewana, Indiana to Radiant Life Church in Sturgis, Michigan, hosting over 300 women. Our time together was intimate and profound, marked by spontaneous baptisms and a collective yearning to dive deeper into our faith. We explored the richness of Scripture, the importance of abiding in Jesus, walking in the Spirit, and the transformative power of prayer, all while nurturing bonds that support and encourage one another.